Tour d’Excellence: Day 9 – Istanbul

09.05.2023 – Day 9 – Tour of Istanbul – 101 km

We were so lucky with the weather! Over breakfast, we learned that the road from Thessalonica to Alesandroupolis, which we took two days ago, has been badly hit and devastated by storm “Daniel”.

10:30 a.m.

Leaving the hotel, first for the next Peugeot recharging point. The charge lasted 50 minutes, from 35% to 100%.

We then set off to buy two motorway toll stickers for Turkey. Thanks to the invaluable help of Sefa, a very friendly Peugeot salesman who had already helped us via their terminal access provider’s hotline, we filled in the documents, in Turkish, we needed to pass through the country. Three quarters of an hour later, we were the proud owners of two vignettes with a credit of TRL 450 each.

With this prepared, we set off into Istanbul to take a few shots by car, notably along the Bosphorus. It was simply not possible to stop or even park near the monuments, given the dense traffic and non-stop honking. Istanbul’s urban traffic is full of impatient driving, with everyone rushing and going very fast.

We were pleased to notice that for the first time we were attracting the attention of the people of Istanbul with our VW ID Buzz bearing the GIMS brand.

We finished our tour of Istanbul with a battery level of 75% (279 km), with an average consumption of 20.3 kWh/100km over 101 km.

Total distance covered: 3134 km – daily stage 101 km

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